Founding Voices


Rehan Jalil, CEO & Founder
“There’s no Google Maps for starting a company. You have to think through the multiple ways you can get from where you are to where you want to be and decide which is the best path for you.”
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Founding Voices

Embrace Uncertainty to Find Your Own Path

Building a business means dealing with ambiguity. There’s a steady stream of difficult decisions at every stage of your journey, and while you can take inspiration from what other founders have done in the past, their circumstances were different, and the paths they took might not be right for you and your organization right now.

There’s no Google Maps for starting a company. You have to think through the multiple ways you can get from where you are to where you want to be and decide which is the best path for you.”

REHAN JALIL, Founder & CEO, Securiti

As a founder, each decision you make needs a “why” that maps to your situation and capabilities. Without this, it’s easy to get distracted, and burn valuable time and resources on moves that aren’t right for your company.

Finding this strategic clarity is difficult, and it’s tempting to look for a roadmap for growing your business, or study how other companies built themselves up. But success stories are case studies, not guidebooks. Analyze them for lessons, try to understand the principles behind decisive moments, but don’t fall into the trap of copying their moves.

The way you succeed will be unique to your business, which means you can’t rely on precedent to get you there. Rehan’s a serial founder so he understands this better than most,” says Navin Chaddha, Mayfield MD and three-time partner to Rehan. “Be thoughtful, gut check absolutely everything, and if your thinking leads to different or unconventional approaches, don’t be afraid to embrace them.”

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