Founding Voices


Rajiv Khemani, Co-founder & CEO
Barun Kar, Co-founder
Patrick Xu, Co-founder
“Becoming a founder or joining an early-stage startup does not require a well-defined plan. Build expertise in a few areas, keep learning & growing, develop positive relationships, and pay attention to market transitions. After that – embrace serendipity; sometimes the right opportunity or idea simply shows up.”
Founding Voices

Embracing Serendipity

The entrepreneurial journey is intimidating, and for good reason. You’ll work brutally hard, do things you’ve never done before, and encounter all manner of new obstacles. But while it’s important to respect the challenge of company building, you can’t afford to overthink the process.

Becoming a founder or joining an early-stage startup does not require a well-defined plan. Build expertise in a few areas, keep learning & growing, develop positive relationships, and pay attention to market transitions. After that – embrace serendipity; sometimes the right opportunity or idea simply shows up.”

RAJIV KHEMANI, Co-founder & CEO, Auradine

Having a clear direction and vision for where you want your company to go is essential. But markets, technology, or even your own interests are always liable to change. That’s why a hyper-detailed plan can often make it easier to derail.

Build a foundation of skills that will aid you on your journey. After that, focus on being open-minded and perceptive. Good opportunities often emerge suddenly, and from unlikely or unfamiliar places. If you’re too focused on following a rigid plan, you’ll likely miss them.

Not all plans need to be precise and far-reaching,” says Navin Chaddha, who led Auradine’s initial funding round, and sits on the company’s board. “Rajiv has done the company building dance many times, and he knows the value of being patient, being mindful, and letting opportunities present themselves. There’s a time and place to be really detailed and long-term with your thinking. But early on, it’s important to be flexible and receptive, rather than try to force a specific path.”

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