2022 Year in Review
2022 continues to test our resilience on the economic, political, and social fronts. However, as a People-First firm with a 50 year plus history of investing through up and down cycles, we remain eternal believers in the power of entrepreneurs and their ability to build a bright future. Our team of founders turned investors is eager to partner with entrepreneurs who are changing the way we live, work and play, and we look forward to our shared inception to iconic journey. Join us as we look back on 2022 and forward to the journey ahead.
We shared advice for founders navigating our current environment
The Optimist's Playbook
Getting to Yes and What Happens Next: An Unfiltered Chat with a Top VC
How Startups can Survive the Downturn with Financial Planning
How to Recession-Proof your Company
I’ve Looked at Clouds from Both Sides Now: Tips for Navigating our New Normal
Survival Tips for Founders Living Through their First Market Correction
Startup Fundraising During a Downturn
Mayfield & Portfolio News
Congrats to the Poshmark team on their pending $1.6B acquisition by Naver